Sunday, 24 March 2019

A cabinet of disloyalty and treachery

If there is one thing this country needs right now it's a united cabinet talking and singing with one voice to show us voters that the prime minister and all her closest collagues are of one mind and in charge. But no, they're all bitching about Theresa May, putting out rumours about her state of health, whispering to their favourite political journalists about coups and leadership battles. So well done members of the cabinet. You are probably the most disloyal bunch of self-serving backbiting cabinet ministers since the dark days of the end of Maggie Thatcher's era when her most senior colleagues plotted her downfall while she was away at a conference in Paris. The Sunday papers are full of coup rumours, quoting different members of the cabinet, anonymously of course, some of whom are pushing for Theresa to be replaced by the very boring-looking David Lidington, her deputy, and others claiming Michael Gove, Environment Secretary, is being set up to take over. For heaven's sake now is not the time to change the prime minister, or the government. Now is the time in the final two weeks left to come up with a solution - May's Brexit deal or something else - which Parliament will approve before we all get thrown into a disastrous pit of gloom and uncertainty. Whether you like Theresa May or not, nothing is going to be served by having a Downing Street coup and a new face trotting back and forth between London and Brussels. Neither Lidington nor Gove inspire confidence and why would the EU react more favourably to either of these two gentlemen than they have so far with Theresa May? Lidington has already come out in support of May, so that has killed one rumour. Well, sort of. As for Gove, he has made a point of supporting the prime minister in public statements but by now we know quite a lot about Michael Gove. He wanted to be Tory leader before when Theresa May was in the frame for the job (and won) and wonderfully stabbed Boris Johnson in the back, and front, to make sure that he, Gove, and not Johnson, should be regarded as the potential leader. He said something like, "I supported Boris initially but I now don't think he's up to the job". Brilliant stuff. A Shakespearian act of treachery. In my view he should remain as Environment Secretary and concentrate on fisheries, piggeries and wind farms. Theresa is unquestionably suffering from Brexititis, a potentially lethal disease which can eventually drive you mad. But I don't think she is yet ready for the funny farm. She must see this through to the very end and get a deal, whatever kind, through Parliament. She deserves to have her stamp on the deal. So go away all you coup plotters and show a bit of respect and loyalty. Otherwise, resign!!

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