Saturday, 19 January 2019

UK is heading for a no-deal Brexit disaster

You get the impression that Theresa May is so fed up with being tossed out of the window with her Brexit deal that in revenge she is heading the country towards the harshest of all exits - no deal with Brussels. For some reason I simply can't understand why she refuses to rule out the no-deal option, even though the vast majority of MPs don't want it, the whole of the rest of the EU doesn't want it and most people with brains don't want it. But Theresa more than anything else in this world wants HER Brexit deal to be approved and because of that she is trying to force Parliament to choose between her deal or no deal. It's total blackmail. All these last-minute cross-party discussions and phone calls to EU leaders are about tinkering with HER deal. Most people are saying her deal is dead but not in Theresa's mind. She wants the basic structure and content of her deal to survive with bits and pieces added or subtracted to get it through Parliament. Or else it's no deal. It's definitely blackmail politics. She is also playing the deadline game. In her head she has March 29 fixed for good as the day the UK leaves the EU. She could ask for an extension but she is not going to because she said all along that come what may we will leave the EU on March 29. She is taking the future of this country of mine to the ropes. There will be no more rounds, no more toing and froing to Brussels. March 29 is IT. Jeremy Corbyn, Labour leader and would-be prime minister, is so alarmed at this approach that he has refused to take part in her offer of talks unless she rules out a no-deal Brexit. But of course she won't do that because then she loses her main bargaining chip: My deal or no deal. If she sticks with this policy she probably believes that MPs will finally approve her deal with the few extra assurances that will probably be fairly meaningless. It's outrageous but it might just work. But it's truly risky and could finally bring down her premiership.

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