Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Nicolas Maduro has all the instincts of a brutal dictator

Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans have come out into the streets across the country in protest at the Maduro government whose economic mismanagement and brutal repression have destroyed a nation once rich in everything. Now Donald Trump has recognised Juan Guiado, the leader of the opposition, as the legitimate president because he is the head of the National Assembly. And Maduro has therefore broken off diplomatic relations with the US and told its diplomats to leave within 72 hours. Maduro, a former bus driver, has all the natural instincts of a brutal dictator. Ignoring the cries for help from his suffering people, he just hides in his palace and orders his military to suppress the demonstrators. Thanks to Maduro, Venezuela is now a basket case, just as Zimbabwe is still a basket case, first under the regime of Robert Mugabe and now under the continuing brutality of his successor, Emmerson Mnangagwa, known as The Crocodile. Both men will do everything they can to retain power. No surprise that the only foreign leader they turn to when things get difficult is Vladimir Putin. Both Maduro and The Crocodile have taken their begging bowls to Moscow and Putin has delivered. Three lovely men in the same club! Maduro's action against the United States will not change the appalling state of his country and the desperation of the Venezuelan people. They now know that Trump supports them and wants the opposition leader to take over. But what difference will it make? Unless the military suddenly turn against Maduro, this dictator will survive. But the military are the only ones who benefit from the Maduro regime. They get paid and they have food. The US isn't going to intervene militarily, so the brutal status quo will continue. If only Venezuela's neighbours had the courage to do something. Countries like Colombia, Chile and Peru have thousands of Venezuelan refugees living with them who have fled their homes to find safety and jobs. These countries have every reason to get together and force Maduro out of office. But it will never happen. Maduro has been "elected" for another six years and he intends to stay put.

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