Friday 15 December 2023

Who needs friends like Viktor Orban?

Hungary, like all the other eastern European former Soviet satellite nations, was desperate to join Nato when the Soviet Union collapsed. The country joined the western alliance in 1999. But all the gratitude and relief shown by the then Hungarian government when they were accepted as Nato members has all gone to rot now because the prime minister, Viktor Orban who is about as dictatorial as you can get and loves Vladimir Putin, wants to screw up Nato's policy of helping Ukraine to fight the Russian invaders. It beats me how you can have a member of the alliance who seems intent on thwarting everything the alliance stands for. Orban stepped in and refused to allow billions of dollars of EU aid to be sent to Kyiv and vowed to continue blocking it in the future. He has decided apparently that Ukraine can't defeat Russia, so what's the point of pouring more money down the big black hole. So, thanks to this Soviet-era-looking politician, Ukraine is going to struggle like mad to survive the winter against an increasingly confident Russian force which is under orders from Putin to stay put in Ukraine whatever happens. Perhaps Orban will receive a special honour from Putin - Hero of the Russian Federation.

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