Thursday 2 December 2021

Omicron pi rho sigma tau etc etc

I don't believe, on the basis of the medical evdence so far, that the Omicron variant of Covid-19 is going to be the worst, the scariest, the deadliest, the most fatal of the different versions of the virus we have had to face over the last two years. Everyone is rushing towards close-down (not lockdown) mode as if Omicron is about to cut a swathe through the world's population. If it really does threaten to be the most lethal, which some experts seem to believe, then presumably that august but hopelessly bureaucratic body, the World Health Organisation, would have sounded the alarm. But no, the message appears to be caution, not panic. So why the panic! Why the despairing cry that once again Christmas is going to be ruined. Last Christmas was the worst Christmas in my family ever! It ended up with no family, cancelled plans and a takeaway curry on Christmas Day. There is absolutely no way that is going to be repeated. So please, Omicron, go away or just dissipate into nothing. I'm truly sorry for those who have caught the latest variant but there is no evidence as yet that it has led to serious, let alone fatal illness. Wearing masks in shops and public transport is of course the right policy and should be vigorously enforced. And anyone who has refused to be vaccinated should be persuaded in the strongest possible terms to get jabbed soonest. But otherwise let life go on as "normal" because when Omicron has done its bit, then there's pi, rho, sigma, tau and the rest to follow, potentially. We can't panic every time a new letter of the Greek alphabet is thrown at us!

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