Wednesday 1 December 2021

Is it really going to be Biden versus Trump in 2024?

The thought of a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump for the US presidency in 2024 is so depressing. One can only despair at the way politics in America have gone in the last five years. Four years of Trump was surely enough for anyone and everyone, and after nearly a year of Biden, there's no question he is a decent man but he sounds increasingly awful. So raspy of voice and slightly feeble in projection. He is not a commanding presence and normally US presidents have to have a commanding presence, preferably from a considerable height to sound and look right. Obama had the look and presence, Clinton had it, the two Bushes got away with it because they were a sort of dynasty and Kennedy, well Kennedy was Hollywood. He had everything going for him. Biden speaks with no conviction half the time even if his policies are relatively sound. As for Trump, well he has the height and the hair and the big shoulders and the floaty hands and the bellowing voice but he was always kinda scary and I really don't think the United States of America should seriously consder having him back in the White House. But the Biden/Trump show seems to be building up and up, with both the current president and the former president looking to 2024 as the next stage in their political careers. Trump definitely wants to stand again and presumably thinks he will win. Biden also definitely wants to stand because he will want to prove to the voters that he is good for an eight-year stint, never mind his advancing years. But can you imagine what his voice will sound like in, say, 2026? But if Biden says he is going to stand for reelection, then other Democratic hopefuls, notably Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg, will have to stand back and wait for 2028.

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