Monday 26 July 2021

The return of massed crowds is a huge gamble

Driving through Kingston, Surrey. the other day around 10pm I came across hundreds of people in their early 20s/late teens queuing up in packed body-to-body formation along a street outside a night club. If it was this bad outside imagine what it would have been like inside as the dancing started. Pre-Covid of course this would have been a regular sight and passing in a car then it wouldn't have raised an eyebrow. But with so-called Freedom Day just gone, it still seemed a touch of madness for this huge crowd of young men and women to gather in such fashion as if obvlivious of the virus still so obviously around and threatening. If everyone of those in the queue had been double vaccinated it would have been, not fine, but at least acceptable. But I just wonder how many had been vaccinated at all. I could see no checks going on at the door. So after a wonderful night of dancing and drinking how many of them will have already gone down with Covid and how many will have been pinged the next morning and told to isolate? I am a firm believer that those with double vaccinations should benefit to the maximum, ie, go on holiday abroad, hold parties with double-vaccined friends, swing from the chandeliers, whatever. But the virus is still around and for the people who have either declined or neglected or forgotten to get jabbed, the whole process is at risk, even for those who have been fully done. Only once we can say that 100 per cent of the adult and young adult population has been jabbed can we start to feel more confident about attending night clubs, football matches, music festivals and cinemas. May it come soon!

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