Thursday 4 July 2019

Three weeks to go, Theresa May

Theresa May must be counting down the days. She said she was leaving a job she loved but I bet she now can't wait to get out of Number 10 Downing Street and start a new life away from the madness that is politics today. Jeremy Hunt and Boris Johnson, her would-be successors as prime minister, have been promising to spend so much money on defence and social services and the NHS and education and the police force that it makes you wonder where Theresa, or more likely the Chancellor Philip Hammond, has been hiding all this spare cash for so long. Well of course it's all tosh. There isn't a great tub of money to splash around. Neither Hunt nor Boris have detailed how on earth they're going to pay for all this gift-giving. It just sounds good on the TV. Hammond who really is a sour puss at the best of times has said that it will cost the taxpayer £90 billion just to "pay" for a no-deal Brexit. So if there is any spare cash somewhere it will all be absorbed into the Brexit pot and never be seen again. Certainly no Brexit dividend, like Boris likes to put it, allowing for a ton of money to be spent on hospitals, doctors, nurses, police officers and teachers. Theresa is now plotting her retirement with her husband. Well retirement as prime minister that is. Who knows she may take up a super highly-paid job in the European Commission hahaha. She must be watching all this with incredulity. Weren't these chaps part of her cabinet - Hunt still is? Don't they know about the country's dire finances? Well if they do they are ignoring it and certainly ignoring thin-lippd Hammond who is also counting the days before he gets shafted and sent to a poor home (actually of course he is very very rich and doesn't need his chancellor salary). There will be a new Chancellor of the Exchequer, either Sajid Javid, currently Home Secretary, or Matt Hancock, currently Health Secretary if Boris gets the keys to Downing Street. I expect either would be a superlatively good banker!! They will certainly be a nice change from miserable Hammond. But let's see how long it takes before all the Boris/Hunt promises fall by the wayside. The day after either enters Number 10 perhaps?

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