Wednesday 19 December 2018

Is Theresa May a stupid woman?

In the midst of all the planning for a no-deal Brexit which for some bizarre reason includes putting 3,500 troops on standby - on standby for what exactly? - there is now a huge rumpus about a terribly important issue: is the prime minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland a stupid woman? The story has been running all day, as if it's more important than putting troops on the streets or stopping any immigrants coming in who haven't got a doctorate in mechanical engineering or a degree in nuclear physics (not quite what Sajid Javid, Home Secretary, said in the Commons today but pretty well along those lines). The stupid woman thing has been raised because Jeremy Corbyn, Labour party leader, was seen to mutter something under his breath which looked distinctly like either "stupid woman" or "stupid people". He was lip-read saying something like this after Theresa May had stood up in the Commons and tiraded against him for his Brexit stance (he doesn't actually have a Brexit stance) and made a (oh dear) stupid comment about how it was the pantomime season and hohoho did he have a Brexit policy oh no he doesn't. All VERY stupid. So hardly surprising if the leader of the Labour party did say "stupid woman" because she was being rather stupid. But under the laws and regulations of the House of Commons no MP can insult another. And calling the prime minister a stupid woman, even if she was being stupid, breaches the rules and therefore Corbyn is under pressure to apologise to her. I think he said "stupid people", because it wasn't just the PM braying like an ass but the whole Tory collective. Being panto season it was supposed to be a bit of fun and, lord knows, we could do with a bit of fun at this time. But we are currently in a serious serous situation vis a vis Brexit and the future of this country, so a row over whether Corbyn said Theresa was a stupid woman or not is a total sideshow. But everyone has gone mad. Everyone in the House of Commons that is, and, of course, all the newspaper parliamentary sketchwriters for whom this little incident is a gift. So please, prime minister and would-be prime minister, forget the panto season, and get on with making sure this beloved country survives.

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