Saturday 1 September 2018

Donald Trump persona non grata at McCain funeral

Donald Trump was everywhere at John McCain's funeral, everywhere but actually there. His absence, demanded by McCain himself, said everything about the way the United States is at the moment, politically, and everything about the disdain for Trump felt in what I suppose is right to call the Washington estabishment. John McCain was not a member of the establishment. He was in many ways a maverick, like Trump. But the establishment, headed by Barack Obama and George W Bush, wrapped their arms around one of their favourite sons and closed the door on the incumbent president. I don't suppose Trump cares that much, but it was the clearest and most symbolic snub to a man who showed no respect for one of the country's most dominant and resilient politicians. The funeral eulogies for McCain were devastating in their rejection of Trump, especially by the senator's daughter, Meghan. Will any of this make a difference to the political scene in the US? Will it persuade some people to vote Democrat rather than Republican in the mid-term elections in November? I fear probaby not. For everyone living outside Washington, this was a funeral for one of the best known senators, but all the anti-Trump stuff will probably fall by the way side. People outside Washington do not think like people inside Washington. That's the reality. As a consequence, I think the funeral of John McCain, an emotional and emotive event, will have no impact on the mid-term elections or on the way voters decide to vote on November 6.

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