Sunday 26 August 2018

Rats are on the increase in Washington

Washington has always had problems with rats. The capital was built on a swamp, so rats feel it is their natural habitat. Now there are so many rats milling around, the clean-up authorities are having to think up new ways of getting rid of them. Donald Trump is also worried about rats. He believes he is surrounded by rats. Not the small sniffy-nose long-tailed type but his closest aides and legal advisers who are turning against him like, well, rats leaping from a sinking ship. It's a good lesson to learn, Mr Prsident, that your worst enemies can sometimes be your best friends because if they "betray" you for whatever reason - fear of prison, Damascene conversion to the other side, nasty FBI types - they know more about you than your normal enemies. So beware beware of pissing off your trusted supporters and advisers. I wonder who Trump really trusts right now. He has got all types of White house people to sign confidentiality documents, but that seems to make little difference. So, can he trust the First Lady, the First Son-in-Law, the First Son? Well probably for the moment. But who knows for how much longer. Melania must be getting seriously angry about all the women allegations, but she can't squeal to the FBI because a wife's evidence isn't valid in law. So outside the family who can Trump turn to and know for absolutely sure that he or she won't run off to Robert Mueller and reveal all? Despite all the rumours of internal feuds in is administration, I reckon he can count on his chief of staff General John Kelly because Kelly is an honourable man who owes loyalty to his commander-in-chief. Well done, Kelly, for staying in the job after all, despite the rumours of his imminent departure last month. I put Jim Mattis in the same bracket, and probably Mike Pompeo and Nikki Hayley. For the moment. But if it gets very very bad for Trump and there are real stirrings for impeachment, how many of these trusted souls will want to stay on for a second term of Trumpism?

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