Sunday, 11 February 2024

Biden has to liven up if he wants to remain president

President Biden has had a very tough week. Almost everyone in the country apart from those preparing themselves for the Super Bowl event tonight are talking about and are worried about his age and mental faculties. The problem is every time he opens his mouth he does little to calm people's fears that he no longer has what it takes to be president of the United States, the most powerful man in the world, as the cliche goes. He doesn't look or sound like the most powerful man in the world, whereas President Putin looks pretty chipper about his position on the planet, and President Xi Zinping always looks as if he is determined to become the most powerful man on the globe. There is only one piece of advice for Biden and that is he should bite the bullet and go on every TV station and talk endlessly about what he plans to do in his second term in office and give the whole country reassurance that not only will he beat Donald Trump but he will be an inspiring and dedicatd second-term president. Now there are a lot of Americans who no longer feel he is capable of doing any such thing. So the only way is for him to prove it again and again and again. Accept every interview offer and flood the TV channels, radio stations and newspapers with the Biden Doctrine. And raise hs voice somewhat. And, of course, not make any glaring mistakes. It's a tough call and it's a stategy filled with potential risk. But there is no other way. Will he take up the challenge? My suspicion is that his closest advisers will caution him to give as few interviews as possible. The omens are not good.

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