Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Trump becomes president or goes to jail

Donald Trump is way ahead of his rivals in the presidential stakes and that includes Joe Biden. So I think we have got to the point where there are now only two scenarios left in the 2024 campaign: Trump wins the election outright or he goes to jail. He has four serious indictments against him and the prospect of four trials before the November 2024 election date. If he is found guilty in all of them it's difficult to see how he could avoid a prison sentence. If he is found guilty in only one of them, he might avoid imprisonment, depending on which one he is convicted for. If he is acquitted on all charges, the likelihood of him becoming the 47th president will rise by a factor of at least ten. All Trump's Republican rivals who have made it to the second TV debate which takes place tomorrow night will bash away at each other but make not a scratch on Trump's election bandwagon. He will once again ignore them all and make a separate speech in Detroit before the debate begins, ensuring he gets maximum play on all the networks. He is no fool. However, he, too, may have come to the same conclusion I have which is the White House or a federal penitentiary. That must give him the jitters, yes even Trump must get nervous at times. He won't show it, but deep down inside his flossy-haired head, there has to be a nagging anxiety lurking that he could be spending several years in jail, beginning next year. Most of the time he dismisses it as witch-hunt nonsense, but it's still there, probably at night before he goes to sleep. I doubt any of the other Republican candidates will mention this in the debate tonight and the Fox News presenter in charge probably won't ask the question.

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