Monday 25 April 2022

US ignores Moscow's warning about arms supplies to Ukraine

Sitting in his favourite chair -if he has one - in the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin must look at the US State Department's running list of latest weaponry provided to Ukraine with disbelief, anger and vengeful thoughts in hs mind. Moscow has sent two warnings to the US, the second one today delivered by the Russian ambassador to Washington, describing the arms suplies as unacceptable and adding oil to the fire. Well, it's true the big guns now being sent to Ukraine will certainly add to the fire but it will all be aimed at Russian troops and armour. They are the illegal occupiers and I guess deserve everything they get launched at them, although I have to say I do feel sorry for the teenage conscripts who don't seem to know what they're doing or where they are. Washington is just ignoring the Moscow warnings and is carrying on emptying its stockpiles of weapons from warehouses in the US and Europe to give the Ukrainians a fighting chance of defeating the Russians and driving them back to where they belong. Lloyd Austin, the US defence secretary, even suggested the US plan was to make sure the Russian military was so weakened they wouldn't be able to mount big offensives ever again. You see, Putin will be saying to his inner-circle KGB chums, I told you Nato wants to destroy Russia. The point is, though, what is Putin going to do about it? He looks so ill that he may be passed making sensible, rational decisions. If, as many people believe, including in military circles, that he is genuinely sick, either with cancer or Parkinson's, Putin might go for broke and do something seriously dangerous. Churchill said something along the lines, with Hitler in mind, that you should never underestimate the madness of a dictator. The West must never underestimate Putin's capacity for revenge. It may not come tomorrow but it may be not that far away.

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