Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Trump is in a grumpy mood

Donald Trump has been in a really bad and grumpy mood. I don't think he has smiled once in the last few days. I know he was attending a solemn ceremony in France to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the ending of the First World War, but he spent a lot of time whingeing about the poor weather, snapping at Emmanuel Macron, the French president, and then giving Theresa May a hard time over the phone for failing to support his bash-Iran policy and negotiating a dodgy Brexit deal. I don't think he had any friends sitting with him during the service of remembrance. Putin might have been chummy but he looked disinterested, and their once-proposed meeting in Paris never happened. His comment to Macron in a tweet about how all French people would be speaking German had it not been for the Americans coming to their rescue in World War Two may technically be true but at this particular point in time, making such a remark is about as diplomatic as throwing a custard pie in Macron's face. Quite difficult to row back from that sort of callous statement, and it certainly won't discourage Macron and Merkel from pushing ahead with their plan for a European Army. Even as he pouted with irritation at everyone, Trump appears to have been planning some sackings for when he returned to Washington. So he's going to make a lot of people in DC unhappy as well. I have dared to suggest in the past that Trump needs friends both at home and overseas but he really doesn't seem to care. Macron and Merkel will have returned to their respective capitals with very negative thoughts about the US president, Theresa May now probably regrets ringing up Trump to "congratulate" him over the midterm results (now that's a strange one, didn't someone tell the UK prime minister what actually happened in the midterms?), Putin must have had his doubts about Trump set in concrete, and Europe as a whole is thinking, "we don't need or want the Americans anymore". So, Mr Grumpy President, for God's sake cheer up and spread some bonhomie around for a change. Yes that's French for cheerful friendliness and geniality.

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