Thursday, 9 November 2017

Trump's Chinese take-away

I know Trump is due to meet up with Putin, but judging by the all the fawning going on in Beijing, I reckon the US president has decided that if there's going to be a big love-in with any of his counterparts in the world it has to be President Xi Zinping. The Chinese leader has more to offer than Putin, and with China's economy set to go up, up and away, it makes more sense to talk high politics with the Chinaman than with the Russian whose economy is shakey to say the least. If there's going to be a diplomatic breakthrough with Kim Jong-un it's more likely to come from a Beijing/Washington offensive than a Moscow/Washington duet. The clearest sign that Trump has gone all lovey-dovey with Xi was his bizarre admission that it was America's fault that there was such a big trade imbalance between the two countries, not China's fault. Yet until now, Trump has been swearing blue murder at Beijing for being the Bad Boys in the trading inequalities. In the election campaign he threatened all kinds of trouble for China over trade and currency manipulation, let alone a military face-off over the South China Sea islands dispute. But he arrived in Beijing to a huge red carpet welcome, and before you can say boo to a goose, Trump is falling over with love and devotion for the smiling Xi. It's all a bit hypocritical and paradoxical but who else is Trump going to link arms with? Putin should have been The One but that has become increasingly difficult as the KGB Pootin Interference in Elections Gang has been exposed. Trump had a go at making big friends with the Japanese and South Korean prime ministers, but they're both shorter, and Trump never seemed quite to know whether to hug them or bow his head, and he's not a bowing-head type. Unlike Obama who knew when to come down from his great elegant height and make a suitable bowing movement. Heaven knows what Trump will do when he meets Queeen Elizabeth who is tiny. So, getting back to high politics, there is no one in Europe who Trump fancies being chums with. Not even with Macron although they got on fine on Bastille Day. Certainly not Angela Merkel who seems to shudder at the mention of the Trump word, and definitely not Theresa May who might not be around much longer judging by the superior, sniffy comments being made in Brussels. The presidents and prime ministers of almost anywhere else are not worth cultivating. You can't be buddy buddy with Bibi Netanyahu - far too one-sided. So that leaves dear smiling Xi, the Supreme Panda. Let's hope Trump's gamble proves fruitful.

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