Saturday 28 January 2017

Donald and Theresa

So Donald and Theresa want to be Ronnie and Maggie! In my view, no chance. Different era, different personalities, different problems and challenges and, above all, different class! Reagan was a charmer, smart and visionary. Maggie was no-nonsense determined, decisive, bold and outspokenly flirty. Male foreign leaders fell for her.Sorry, but I don't think Mrs May has that sort of chemistry impact and I don't want to even start on Trump. He's much more likely to cosy up to Putin because they both believe the same thing: they're macho big-stage players. I suspect neither believes women are in their league. I'm a strong supporter of the US/UK special relationship, especially in the military/intelligence field (which is what it's really all about) but I doubt Trump and May share the same view of the world. Reagan and Thatcher were true bedfellows, except on that one classic occasion when Ronnie ordered the invasion of Grenada,a member of the Commonwealth, in 1983 and forgot to tell Maggie first! Oops! Ronnie was remorseful. I don't think Trump would be so apologetic if he sent in the Marines to seize, let's say, Tristan da Cunha!

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